About us

This brand is inspired by the beautiful imperfections of the moon. Similarly, life as we know it presents different challenges and phases - some are dark times which may plant a seed for new beginnings, sometimes we’re growing to flourish in the face of adversity, and other times we’re in full bloom when things just flow leading to the manifestation of our wildest dreams.

We know life throws obstacles which may be daunting. However, implementing the simple act of gratitude can change your perspective and help you realise that the universe works in mysterious ways. Ironically, that’s how GratitudeMoon.com was born.

Contrary to the sun’s masculine energy, the moon itself represents the feminine. Likewise, this brand unveils our femininity, spirituality, and individuality.

Designed to create a sense of joy, creativity, and authenticity - each piece is thoughtfully crafted by employing a blend of colour and print. Every piece is full of meaning and encourages you to live fully and to be unapologetically all of you. Inside, you’ll find the perfect gift to show someone you love how grateful you are for them or simply treat yourself to something as an act of self-love. Each item is versatile and adds a touch of fun to any outfit. The items intertwine elements of comfort and creativity in an effort to spark your inner confidence whilst making memories you’ll cherish forever.